


BeamNG-DRIVE- ((LINK)) ⬜

BeamNG-DRIVE- ((LINK)) ⬜



This is the changelog of BeamNG’s initial releases. The first public release of the game became available on the Fastspring store on 3 August 2013, and would remain so for nearly two years before being released on Steam. This era is also recognized as the only one featuring explicitly experimental releases, a phase that lasted several months (shown below in pink).

This is the first truly experimental release of BeamNG, but not by much. Instead, BeamNG now builds with an experimental feature called JIT (just-in-time) optimization, which gives BeamNG the ability to render at full speed during the debugging phase of development. I had hoped that the upcoming release of BeamNG would have pushed all of these JIT optimizations to the envelope of reasonability, but I seem to have forced too much technical jiggery-pokery on the Windows build. The frame rate has actually been reduced for this release as a result of this bug.

In this version, I have implemented full support for the file locking system that is mentioned by John Loeliger. Players that have been using an older version of BeamNG will have their save games work correctly when BeamNG is restarted.

Fastspring’s Tim Ennever (a BeamNG author) was kind enough to have some changes made to allow this title to run on SimXperience, removing a lot of errors and warnings that have become prevalent in beamng’s code over the years. These SimXperience changes have been rolled into this release.

In this version, you can now edit the measurement values of objects in beamng. This is useful for when you want to scale your models down to half size, or when you want to copy the track to one side and the engine to the other.

After years of working on BeamNG Drive, BeamNG has finally announced that they have released a Mac OS X version of BeamNG Drive. They have renamed the Windows client to BeamNG Drive, however it has the same features and features as the Mac version.
The development of BeamNG Drive has been moved to the Mac Apps section. In order to do this they have changed the name of the Mac client to BeamNG Drive and started to add a lot of information to the Mac client as well. Have a look at their documentation and see how BeamNG Drive has improved.
BlamNG uses 3 different steering models: Direct-Steer, Steer Assist, and Electric. We will refer to these as the Steering Styles. Direct-Steer allows for absolute steering, Steer Assist allows for independent steering during wheel lock. The Electric Steering Style allows for four different controlled levels of electric steering.
BeamNG Drive was successfully funded on Kickstarter and has been released to beta testing. BeamNG Drive is a simple racing game that’s comfortable to play on your Mac and comes with a controller if you wish to play on your Mac rather than Windows.
It’s ok, there’s no reason to be afraid of Pay the sim. 1.5 is 3 months old and yet I have never seen a survey asking for a refund. Never mind that the game barely worked on Windows XP and is often troublesome to set up. It’s worth having a hard copy of the game, even if you already have the mod, so that you can run it on a non-xp system, if you need to.
At the moment BeamNG Drive is just a demo and only has one race mode, however development on the game is beginning. If you look through the in-game documentation you can find directions to get the game working on your Mac. It is also available in the Mac App Store so you can purchase the full version of BeamNG Drive.

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