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Igo My Way Android 1024×600 101 _VERIFIED_ 💨

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Igo My Way Android 1024×600 101

despite these small steps, as a platform, android has been steadily gaining on apple over the last few years. although still a significant minority, android users are starting to outnumber those using apple’s ios system. one major reason for that is app market fragmentation. anyone who has ever bought an ios device knows all the value of unifying the platform with a single, approved distribution platform and an app store that works.

android’s fragmentation is a huge problem, but it still remains the most user-friendly platform for devs. the biggest upside for android’s creators is that it has enabled hardware manufacturers to make their phones more affordable. and as a company reliant on hardware, google has to make sure android works on as many devices as possible. and with the improvements in software and the ecosystem, android has made the transition to smartphones far easier for consumers. this shift would likely not have happened if the major phone manufacturers had to make all their phones work on one operating system. likewise, mobile operating system fragmentation makes android more vulnerable to hackers and cybercriminals.

developing for a single platform also presents its own unique challenges. although the ios system is more open to developers, they still have to conform their apps to the strict app store rules that apple has in place. that means that the user experience is near or up to par with the iphone itself, and apps tend to lack features that are too specific or too unique to make it to the app store.

android’s ecosystem is also not without its own share of problems. competition is fierce among the android manufacturer that want to be the dominant player in the mobile market. and with over a billion smartphones and tablets already out on the market, everyone wants a piece of the pie. there is also fragmentation in the os itself. since google puts more focus on the os than other mobile players, different versions of android can vary wildly in quality. google has been working on a unified android experience, which includes the os and the apps that people use.

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