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LibroTecnologia4EsoOxfordPdf [HOT]

LibroTecnologia4EsoOxfordPdf [HOT]



·  . LibroTecnologia4EsoOxfordPdf: có thể tự động bỏ qua; dùng cách này nào đó mà phụ nữ mà chỉ có mình tự lực là được hoặc khi mà bản ánh sáng việt quốc được chiếu đi.

how can I return a function from a module

def get_index():
for i in range(10):
print ‘index: ‘, i
return i

indexes = get_index()
print “returned indexes: “, indexes

return_list = []

for i in range(10):
print ‘for: ‘, i

print “returning list of indexes: “, return_list

where I am trying to get is something like the below code, where I don’t need to add a loop inside the get_index() function to get the indexes. So, how can I do it?


You can have the function return a list directly:
def get_index():
return [i for i in range(10)]

As we’ve been seeing a lot of in the past few days, the American public is just plain angry and not afraid to express their anger in ugly ways.

There are plenty of examples of that demonstrated outrage in the post, but this is a nice illustration of one of the more violent expressions of rage. It appears that a man was behind the wheel of a car that was used to ram a woman, apparently out of nowhere, in this case, her door.

The woman seemed to be a Twitter user with some $1.3 million in followers.

Tweets by @JoriMarianna

It doesn’t appear

Horowitz, Timothy. 2004.
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The right to security from the State means, in effect, the right to develop and perfect the forces of society in advance of the moment of their use, to change them as rapidly as the security of the nation demands, and to take them over whenever the public safety is threatened. [When a dominant power has a numerical advantage over another in respect to arms, by which the weaker is enabled to repel usurpations of a more formidable kind, the question whether the State shall or shall not treat the former otherwise than under international law is a question which really turns on the question of power and on the proportion which the two parties have to expend in deciding it. It is perfectly true, that a State has a right to hold itself in readiness for war, but it can never be seriously apprehended that any State will be willing to go into it, unless its power or prestige is in danger; and it must be evident, that a State possessing great military force, and great physical power, is not in greater danger from any other government than itself. It is safe to assert, that there are at the present day no circumstances of human affairs which admit of the apprehension of a complete destruction of a great power, and if this be the case, it is not indeed a question of right, but of expediency, whether it is right to hold that the State has a right to declare war, when its own security is in danger.» [Emphasis added]. That is an important passage. It shows that the prohibition in the right to security is not absolute. The United States, for example, could be engaged in a war of self-defense even without formal declaration of war by the Congress of the United States. A government that is prepared to resist its enemies with arms is more secure against invasion than one that fears its enemies, but has less right to peace than one that is prepared for war. The United States faces no danger from another country, but it is likely that a large number of people around the world would welcome liberation from American domination. With sufficient determination, the United States could resist the most dangerous enemies. The key is that the United States would have a right to resist these enemies if their actions threatened the security

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